Android and IOS Apps with Xamarin (coming soon)

The world has changed, as you may have noticed. If the only web experience you offer has been optimized to be viewed on a computer monitor, then you're only offering one fifth of a full web experience. Our research has shown over the last few years that the ratio of consumption of web content is at about 80:20 in favor of mobile devices. What used to be a privileged afterthought is now not only a requirement, but is increasingly the first impression of your content that a potential customer will encounter. To make the most of this situation your mobile presence can no longer afford to be the gimmicky parlor trick of five or so years ago. It needs to be robust in its own right, with navigation that is easily traversed, and as much rich content as your visitor is willing to consume. Good enough, in this case, is no longer good enough. Xamarin offers us the ability to build just such interfaces using native components for IOS, Android, and Windows devices in the same solution. This aids in streamlining the development process and also lends itself to a great deal of code reuse between your mobile and traditional web applications.