Data Storage and Management
Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Azure Amazon Web Services MySql MongoDB Oracle

Data is king, or so we've heard. That being said, not every organization is in need, from conception, of a Big Data solution. Aspirations of taking over the world aside, sometimes all you need is a database. With time you'll most likely move up to a Data Warehouse. Eventually, with any luck, and much perserverance, you'll be ready for a Data Lake. Our goal is to help you meet the immediate needs of your business while still allowing for the scalability that we would hope your business would require in the future. To implement such a plan out of the gate, however, does little more than contribute to the burndown of precious capital. To be sure, you'll need an effective system of Data Management, just not one that will break the bank. There are a number of very good open soure and low cost solutions available to meet this need, and many of them, such as MySql and Mongo DB, are available through reputable companies such as Amazon and Google. In some cases, depending on a company's strengths, it makes sense to implement an on-prem solution. In others, a cloud-based soluion will mitigate many of the database management concerns and reduce the overhead associated with additional staff. We have ample experience with both scenarios and the perspicacity to discern which solution might best fit your needs, in both the short and long term.