Web Development

We offer a broad range of web-based solutions from simple single page sites to robust E-commerce and Web API for the small to mid-sized organization. Backed by nearly 30 years of enterprise-level web application experience, we have the acumin to craft a solution to suit your business needs in an expedient and professional fashion.

Does your particular set of business challenges represent our first rodeo? Absolutely not, but constitute a rodeo it certainly does. We have the experience, maturity, and humility to meet you where you are in order to get you to where you want to be. Contact us today, and let us help you reach as many potential customers as possible.

  • Microsoft MVC Core.

    Microsoft MVC Core

    URSA-dev has a over 25 years of experience developing web applications using Microsoft technologies. This experience goes back to the original Active Server Pages. When ASP.Net arrived, we transitio ...

  • Rest API (Microsoft/JavaScript).

    Rest API (Microsoft/JavaScript)

    URSA-dev offers a full range of API services for your organization which include both proprietary and open source options. We are equally adept at creating these solutions with Python and Django or J ...

  • ME(R|A|V)N Open Source Web Stack  (coming soon).

    ME(R|A|V)N Open Source Web Stack (coming soon)

    The newest of the open source web app kids on the block, and by far the one with the most permutations of technologies, ME(A|R|V)N has comported itself quite well over the last several years and prov ...

  • LAMP Open Source Web Stack.

    LAMP Open Source Web Stack

    Let's kick it Old Skool, why not? Some of us here at URSA-dev are gray enough in the beard to know what this is all about. Back in the day Perl and CGI was basically THE way that web applications we ...

Data Engineering and Analysis

Data, data, data. It has the potential to drive your business to new heights, if you can make sense of it. Data without insight is just noise. We offer services to help you turn Data into Information, Information into Knowledge, and Knowledge into Wisdom. We facilitate this process through the use of Business Intelligence. Analytics through Reporting and Dashboarding will transform your data noise into a crystal clear signal.

Whether your company a robust ETL/ELT Pipeline or better representation and visualization of your extant data, we have the skills to get you to your desired destination.

  • ETL/ELT Pipelines with Python.

    ETL/ELT Pipelines with Python

    For as often as data migration occurs from one proprietary system to another one would think that it would, at this point, be standardized. Well, one would be wrong, wouldn't they? The fact of the m ...

  • Bespoke BI Dashboards and Reporting.

    Bespoke BI Dashboards and Reporting

    Big Data is all the rage these days. Our interpretation of this is that of focusing on the finger and missing the moon. All the data in the world is of little value if it can't be converted into inf ...

  • Data Storage and Management.

    Data Storage and Management

    Data is king, or so we've heard. That being said, not every organization is in need, from conception, of a Big Data solution. Aspirations of taking over the world aside, sometimes all you need is a ...

Mobile Application Development

If the internet revolutionized business as we know, then mobile devices have brought forth a subsequent evolution in how the internet is consumed. By some metrics, mobile internet usage accounts for 80% of all web traffic consumption. Your company ignores this fact, or regards your mobile application as an afterthought, at its own detriment.

URSA-dev can help you make the most of your mobile presence as a standalone yet complimentary feature to your web application and not merely an adjunct.

  • Android and IOS Apps with Xamarin (coming soon).

    Android and IOS Apps with Xamarin (coming soon)

    The world has changed, as you may have noticed. If the only web experience you offer has been optimized to be viewed on a computer monitor, then you're only offering one fifth of a full web experienc ...

Robotic Process Automation

Not only is human repitition stultifying and moral crushing, it's prone to errors. We all have a tendancy to get a little sloppy and overlook potentially vital details when we're to do the same, seemingly mindless, task over and over again. Luckily, tools have been developed to mitigate just such situations. Robotic Process Automation allows for a myriad of tasks to be reproduced with virtually no possiblity of error. The benefits in terms of efficiency and cost become obvious immediately after implementation of such a solution. At URSA-dev, we pride ourselves on being able to offer these solutions and know that you'll appreciate your opportunity to unburden your staff from dealing with these important but error prone tasks.

  • UIPath RPA.

    UIPath RPA

    In every organization, regardless of size, there are certain tasks that need to be done, but don't necessarily require much more than some compulsory button pushes, at certain times, by an employee ...

Graphic Design and Branding

Aesthetics matter. Often the difference between to competitive products when determining which one will win out, comes down to visual appeal. It's often not only the first thing that gets noticed, but also the last. No amount of cleverly written code, nor impeccable logic, will ever be able to compete for a customer's attention like an elegantly designed and visually appealing interface. It is also important to realize that these interfaces extend well beyond that of the realm of computing. A sign on a billboard or a storefront window's lettering is, in those paradigms, your interface with your prospective customer. Those that realize this, and acknowledge that aesthetics are not a triviality, are more often than not the ones that succeed; and sometimes with an inferior product.

URSA-dev has more than 30 years of graphic design experience across virtually all forms of media. In addition, we have a thorough understanding of the psychology involved when attempting to catch your potential customers' eyes.

  • Graphic Design.

    Graphic Design


  • Brand Management.

    Brand Management


  • Print Graphics.

    Print Graphics


  • SEO.


    SEO used to be pretty simple. Now it has become a game of cat and mouse, whereby the proprietors of the search engines are constantly trying to stay ahead of the would-be optimizers. Staying current ...

VOIP Telephony

Few elements are as important to keeping your business operations running smoothly, and keeping your customers engaged, as communications; both internal and external. For most comanies, web redundancy is a given, so a loss of web presence seldom gets noticed. Having your phone system go down, however, and business stops. Sales and Marketing, and Customer Support gridning to a halt has quantitative consequences. To prevent this scenario, many opt to go with one of the big proprietary telephony systems. While we don't fault anyone for choosing this route, it simply isn't for everyone.

What we offer instead is an open source option that has a proven track record but is much more affordable for any new or small to mid-sized business. This option offers all of the features, compromising nothing, while keeping costs manageable.

  • VOIP Telephony with Asterisk and FreePBX.

    VOIP Telephony with Asterisk and FreePBX

    Open source. There, we said it. It's long been ridiculed by the big proprietary technology companies and their evangelists, all the while it just keeps on performing for what is typically a fraction ...

UAV (Drone) Services

Whether minimizing risk for routine inspections, or performing detailed Photogrammetry, UAVs have proven themselves a cost-effective alternative to tradtional means. Not only will you reap the benefits of the improved efficiency, but you'll also be keeping your staff safe while reducing your liability UAVs also add the capability of producing professional quailty videos and photos of real estate properties, or anything else you should choose as your subject.

Regardless of your purpose, URSA-dev is FAA Part 107 licensed and insured and ready to assist with your UAV requirements.

  • Real Estate Photography.

    Real Estate Photography

    We offer not only interior photography options, but UAV drone photography and videography options, as well. Our vidoes are shot in 4k and have the capability of setting your listing apart from the com ...

  • Inspection.


    We're currently working diligently to get this skill up to a commercial level. Drop us an email at support@ursa-dev.com and we'll let you know as soon as it' ...

  • Surveying and Mapping (coming soon).

    Surveying and Mapping (coming soon)

    We're currently working diligently to get this skill up to a commercial level. Drop us an email at support@ursa-dev.com and we'll let you know as soon as it' ...

  • Photogrammetry  (coming soon).

    Photogrammetry (coming soon)

    We're not quite there yet, though we are working diligently to add this service to our repetoire. Drop us an email at support@ursa-dev.com and we'll let you k ...