LAMP Open Source Web Stack
Ubuntu Server Linux MySql MongoDB Python PHP Perl

Let's kick it Old Skool, why not? Some of us here at URSA-dev are gray enough in the beard to know what this is all about. Back in the day Perl and CGI was basically THE way that web applications were built, such as they were. Shortly before the new millennium, Linux, in all of its flavors, started to gain traction, then Python and PHP. Throw in a MySql database and you have a powerfull open source web development stack. Though it lost favor for some time with the popularity of some others, namely Active Server Pages and Cold Fusion, it managed to cling to life just long enough to see the resurgence of the long-maligned open source web platforms. Revivified by its kid brother, ME(A|R|V)N, and the recent rise in Python usage, the LAMP stack is once again being seen as a viable option for creating robust and inexpensive web-based solutions. Just don't call it a comeback...