Data, data, data. It has the potential to drive your business to new heights, if you can make sense of it. Data without insight is just noise. We offer services to help you turn Data into Information, Information into Knowledge, and Knowledge into Wisdom. We facilitate this process through the use of Business Intelligence. Analytics through Reporting and Dashboarding will transform your data noise into a crystal clear signal.

Whether your company a robust ETL/ELT Pipeline or better representation and visualization of your extant data, we have the skills to get you to your desired destination.

  • ETL/ELT Pipelines with Python.

    ETL/ELT Pipelines with Python

    For as often as data migration occurs from one proprietary system to another one would think that it would, at this point, be standardized. Well, one would be wrong, wouldn't they? The fact of the m...

  • Bespoke BI Dashboards and Reporting.

    Bespoke BI Dashboards and Reporting

    Big Data is all the rage these days. Our interpretation of this is that of focusing on the finger and missing the moon. All the data in the world is of little value if it can't be converted into inf...

  • Data Storage and Management.

    Data Storage and Management

    Data is king, or so we've heard. That being said, not every organization is in need, from conception, of a Big Data solution. Aspirations of taking over the world aside, sometimes all you need is a ...